

This has been the week of "goodbyes". I'm slowly saying goodbye to our belongings, we said goodbye to Opie, now we're saying goodbye to family....
Wednesday, my Mom drove over from Phx. We then headed down to my Grandma and Grandpa's house to pick up the boys that have been there the last 2 weeks.

We spent time with Gram, Gramps, and my Aunt Sheree.

And we said a final "Goodbye" to my Gramps. For those of you who don't know already, he's got terminal lung cancer. He tried some low doses of chemo. but he's just not strong enough to handle it. We probably won't see him again in person....

De'Etta recently posted on her blog about God sending her a "hug" just when she needed it. Here's was my "hug" from God in the midst of so many "goodbyes".


1 comment:

Lexie said...

I'm sorry that goodbyes are so hard. I am praying for you and your family.

Love mer