This is our 2008 Christmas pic...we got it done last night at Sears.

We made the shirts last week for "art". We bought t-shirts at Michael's, they were on sale for $2/each and $.69 acrylic paints. The kids used their handprints to form the trees and their fingerprints to do the ornaments. For the stars on top, I cut a star in a half of a potato and used it as a stamp. If you want to do this project you could get real fancy and use glittery fabric paints and/or jewels and even add words. If you decide to do this, post it on your blog and come leave me a comment so I can see yours as well:)

OMW! I remember each of them being born and your pregnancies but it seems SO unreal about how old they are! Your family is a precious!
Hoping that I may possibly see this in my mailbox someday.... just HOPING!
YOU HAVE THE BEST IDEAS! These t-shirts are darling and the photo is great.
I need to figure out what to do for this year's photo. We've done jeans and white t's, jeans and black t' what?
I agree with DeEtta about your ideas! Those shirts are wonderful. I'm just realizing that I need to begin thinking about a Christmas photo, lol.
Those smiles are the cure for everything.....
Any pics of you and hubby? I seem to remember cutting a deal - in exchange for my patience, I'd get a "real" family pic for my FAMILY wall.
Love you,
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