
We're here!

Well, we're here! We're slowly getting unpacked. My brother-in-law met us here on Friday and helped Michael unload the moving truck. Then he took the 4 older kids to his house for the weekend to allow me and Michael to hunt down furniture and get things in shape around here. They had a blast at their house and it was such a blessing for us. Next thing on my "list" is to find a p/t job. I'm also tossing up starting my cleaning biz again. We'll see.

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

OMW - how did I miss your move to Spokane????? I can meet you one of these times when I go out to see the girls!!!! OK - I feel really ditzy for missing this last move.....but at least I figured it out only 10 days after it happened.

I hate goodbyes too!