
Where have I been? Well, I've been busy:) Week before last me and the kidlets were staying at my Dad and Michelle's house for a visit. We had a blast! They have 5 acres and the kids had such a great time having all that room to run around. I also returned home with 2/3 of my boys shaved near bald. Matthew wanted to be "bald" like grampa and asked him to cut his hair, Brandon followed suit. Jake refused. He loves his hair too much! He's the one that uses daddy's mousse and cologne. LOL We also had a campfire and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows for s'mores. Did I mention we had a great time?!

The night we got home Michael spoiled us all by fixing a delicious roast complete with potatoes and carrots and caramel apples for dessert. He even had the house clean and got some "honey-do's" done for me while I was gone. What a great guy!

Since we've been home we've been getting caught up with school and trying to get back into the swing of things.

I also added another quilt project to my table. No pattern, I'm trying to replicate a painting from Ebay as a wallhanging quilt and it has to be done by Christmas! That's occupying my evenings:) I'll post pics as soon as I find my camera. It's been missing since the move. I've been using Hannah's sometimes but mostly just forget to take pictures. Sorry for the photoless blog posts.


1 comment:

Me said...

I was excited to see a post even though I am in the same hideout you have been (the BUSY ROOM) and haven't posted in forever!

Keep us posted as things change around the first of the year etc (Michael's job, etc)

Miss ya!